Wednesday, November 30, 2011


The account has been updated to include all dues received and all invoices that have been paid

Current Bank balance as of 9/19/11 is $43,597.13.

There is one small invoice to be paid for road grooming post storms

There will be an invoice following fall maintenance. This invoice along with any snow removal invoices SHOULD be the only remaining invoices for fall/winter 2011-12.

Currently over 25% of lot members have unpaid dues for 2011. We will be sending out mailings to these owners trying to collect on these lots. Some will pay based on previous history but we still have some that are unpaid for more than one year.

I will be contacting Magistrate’s office as we filed documents with them as well as filing lien on lot 2 and yet nothing has happened. This lot owes association approximately $3000.00 in unpaid dues.


D Hardy, Treasurer

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