Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Executive Board Meeting Minutes 10/29/11

Present for the meeting: Michelle Gordon Jason Gordon, Dorie Hardy, Don Hardy, Mike Gordon, Laura Brant and Tom Simpson

1. With a quorum present the meeting was called to order by Vice President Michelle Gordon in the absence of the President at 10:27AM.

2. Treasurers report (attached) was presented, discussed and approved by the Board. Currently over 25% of lot owners have not paid their 2011-12 annual dues. Several are in arrears by more than one year, with the owner of Lot # 2 still in arrears of dues since inception of the Association. Contact will be made with Magisrrates office for udate on lien filing on lot # 2.

Unpaids will be resent the invoice along with a reminder.

3. A resolution was discussed regarding meeting participation. Members will be advised that if they are against any Board action they must notify the Board and attend the annual General Meeting.

4. There continues to be a problem with new owners being advised of Owners Association Covenants by Realtors and Closing Agents, particularly concerning the annual fees. Secretary will draft a letter to the realtors association and banks advising them this should be covered in all closing documents.

5. Discussion followed on Mike Gordon’s agenda issues concerning the Roads. In summary, the main issue of improper driveway drainage that is damaging the roads and resulting higher maintenance costs. The lots and owners are; Lot 35, Gallipo; Lot 57, Williams; Lot 58, Clayton; Lot ?? Trailers? Pacer?. 

A letter to be prepared reminding owners of responsibility to keep culverts under driveways clear and other improvements needed to prevent runoff from damaging roads.

6. Security –No recent problems in Development; however, recent break-in across the road from Hershel Lane entrance during daylight hours was noted. A neighborhood watch notice to check and report suspicious activity was discussed.

7. Four wheelers access and excessive speed on the roads by residents is still a problem.

8. Web site to include WELCOME notice to all new owners.

9. Advance notice of Spring meeting to be included in mailing of board minutes.

10 Meeting adjourned at 12:30 PM


Secretary to send get well cards to Bob Bond, John Fritz, and Bill Wibley.


  1. I am glad that you shared the details about this meeting here. I also attended an annual meeting at the local meeting space San Francisco and I also have to share meeting minutes with my blog readers. After reading this I now going to update my blog as well. It’s been a week now.
