Monday, June 29, 2009

Neighborhood Work Day - Pavilion / Gazebo

Dear Neighbors,

Since may have weekend obligations we have chosen a Friday AND a Saturday, July 17th and 18th, for the work days around our community. Please plan to come either or both days.

John and I have chosen the stain for the gazebo and will purchase it on July 4th, using our military discount for the day.

John and Mike Gordon have figured out a way to hook up an air compressor using our garage electricty and some of John's and Mike's equipment so that we can spray the stain on the gazebo instead of having to roll or brush most of it. We are hoping not to have to wipe it down but that may need to be.

The screen holders also need to be repaired. And a hole in the center of the floor.

There are some areas around the gazebo pond that need brush removed and some trash (like floating rails) to be cared for.

Mike has said that he would like to use his equipment and grade around the south end of the pond because the grade is too steep for him to mow.

Concerning the rail fences. Many of us like the look at the entrance and feel that the ones over the creek are needed. However, they have rotted off because non-treated wood was used. Mike and John have discussed using pressure treated wood, in a three board style, similar to the fencing around Mike's horse grazing area. These could be put together with the air gun nailer and set deeper, with treated wood and should last a lot, lot longer.
Any comments about this type of replacement fencing ?

When purchasing the stain, and maybe a bit of hardware for the gazebo doors, we will also pick up some mortar for the stone placement on the entance signs.

Perhaps we should do pot-luck lunches.

Any comments, volunteering etc will be appreciated.

Honey Fritz
250 Titiania Lane


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